
Materialismo e moda

«Fashion is the most materialist of industry, in promoting the constant consumption of new objects at ever increasing intervals - yet fashion has not been subject to any substantial materialist critique or analysis. This talk discusses the historical basis and contemporary approach to a materialism of fashion.»

Ulrich Lehmann é um historiador cultural que vive em Nova Iorque. O seu trabalho atravessa duas áreas de pesquisa: 1) história cultural europeia (da revolução francesa ao fim de século), em particular trabalho artesanal, a sua organização e produtos; 2) teoria e história do design moderno (desde 1860 ao presente), especialmente o cruzamento entre movimentos de moda e outras expressões culturais. Dr. Ulrich Lehmann é professor associado em «Interdisciplinary Design and Arts», The New School, New York.

Materialism and Fashion - Conferência de Ulrich Lehmann dia 10, 15h30, Faculdade de Arquitectura, Auditório 23. CANCELADO 

Fashion in the Culture Industry - Seminário de Ulrich Lehmann, dia 13 de Fevereiro, 11h00, com leitura de textos e discussão, FA, Cubo. CANCELADO

«The material bases for the production of contemporary art and contemporary fashion design have become aligned. Patterns of conception, production and distribution as well as modes of consumption today are almost congruent. A culture industry that aims to emulate economic structures of investment and capital speculation now determines the making and selling of new fashions as well as new art as part of a steady renewal of consumption. This talk presents examples for the close proximity between trends and movements in making and showing fashion design and art».

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